Monday, November 3, 2008

Lunch with Auntie Brenda....

I had lunch with Auntie Brenda last Friday...
Whenever Uncle Bill and Auntie Brenda (from Alaska) would come to Saipan (which is very often, now twice a year!!) she would take each of us girls out to lunch, so we can have our time to chat.. We got to pick where we wanted to go. For the last three weeks, I have been craving for a really good oven roasted turkey breast sandwich (not the deli style). Ray and I went to Wild Bills last week (previous post) and we were not allowed to sit at the table of choice, so we exited the restaurant and I ended up not having my turkey breast sandwich! So, when Auntie Brenda asked me where I wanted to go for lunch, I said COFFEE CARE, because I have been craving for a really, really good turkey breast sandwich! It was hilarious because I was so excited, I was looking forward to it all day!

We both ordered a roasted turkey breast sandwich, except Aunt Brenda had it on a roll and I had sourdough.. yumm

I shared my issues with my growing son, who is now becoming (and acting) like an average teenager. Oh my...
Anyway, I also got some requested zuchinni seeds so I can plant them in the backyard! Zuchinnis are yummy. It is difficult to find fresh zuchinnis on island. They are also flown in by air therefore costing consumers more money per pound. So, if I can plant them that means we will always have fresh zuchinnis.. (zuchinni bread, zuchinni stirfry, zuchinni etc!)

Plus, the most requested item was a knox box.. This is really helpful! you can leave your key locked in and secured outside of your door, etc.

Lunch with Auntie Brenda.. and the ever important photo after!
Thanks Auntie Brenda..... !

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