Friday, June 20, 2008

June 19 activities

June 19, activities!

Thursday was a busy day, both at work, home and around! It was also an extremely hot day!

For lunch, Raymond and I went to COCO's in Garapan. I wasn't too hungry, but my hubby was in the mood for some steak, so off we went. COCO's is really reasonable, $12 for chargrilled steak, salad, rice and soup! Plus you get 10% local discount! This place is delicioso.


COCO's chargrilled steaks..... sizzling and aromatic! A feast for your eyes and your mouth!


it was right back to work after lunch for both of us.


I had to pick up the kids after work at their music practice.

This is the second time I caught my daughter sleeping at music class.

I guess these summer classes plus music and or plus Japanese classes are extremely tiring for the kiddies. Two more weeks of summer school at Ladera!

Me'Mong decided he will play the drums for me to show me his new beats.. I never really agreed for him to take drum lessons, but I had to meet him half way. I wanted him to learn guitar so that he can strum at church, however, he wanted drums, so we made a deal. One hour guitar = 1 hour drum lessons. Now, he is also taking Uke, but he broke his uke, so if any of you have one for sale, let me know please! The local music/instrument shop does not have any in stock!

Me'Mong on the drums..... "Give me a beat!" LOL

Here is my sweet baby doll... Kiki, she is learning how to play "Abe Nanan Yuus" a chamorro catholic song. The ultimate goal is to have Kiki play at San Vicente.

Here is Me'Mong again.....


After music class, I went to do alot of errands.. I was actually looking for my STIMULUS Checks in the mail, but did not receive it yet!! Aii lokui! It is entirely my fault for just filing my taxes two weeks ago!

So, we did a couple of errands, stopped by EBISUYA and grabbed the kids something to eat on the go, before dinner, because they were hungry!

About 7pm the power died!!! Oh my CUC!

My mom went with the kids walking on the pathway, so I decided to go meet them! Ray and I parked the car at Oleai Beach Bar and then we decided to order a plate of NACHO's to munch on while we wait for the kiddies.. here it is:

It was quite yummy... I do miss the nachos from the Mexican restaurants in Oregon! They are so cheap and most of all they are delicious! I recommend MUCHAS GRACIAS Nachos in Oregon!

So, after the walk and after our nacho snack, my mom decided to treat the gang for some SOBA noodles at Mitsue Restaurant... Well, there was an island wide power outage last night, so Mitsue had a generator and most importantly AIRCONDITIONING!!!


Here is a special shout out to my sister BOBBIE, who is in Oregon! Thanks for waiting patiently! We love and miss you and the kids!

si, marianne

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Where is Mitsue? That soba looks good! Im enjoying your food posts!! Gives me lots of ideas as to where to take the kids to eat when the powers out :)